Christina Balit
Job Title- Artist and author of the book ‘Escape From Pompei’ and other historical books
"I’ve been bowled away by his ability to reach right into cyber space to bring exciting ideas...and people...into his classroom. Actually...not just his classroom but classrooms everywhere!”
Michelle Hill
Job Title- Year 6 Teacher
"An inspiration, amazing ideas. It’s brilliant that you’re still a teacher, you know what works. Love your Ideas about poetry."
Rose Edmundson
Job Title- Class Teacher
"Your enthusiasm shines through- your class are lucky to have you as their teacher- it’s obvious how much you care. What a role model you are!"
Job Title- Class member of Mr Hunt’s class
"Our teacher is the best in the world, he always makes lessons fun!"
Sophie Waistell
Job Title- Teacher
"A very passionate and skilled speaker."